List of Files You Can Download
While the entire Fearless Budgeting Training Program is online, some people prefer to work offline.
You can now download:
- Workbooks in Excel and PDF format
- Program manual (PDF)
- Audios for the program (50 mp3 audio files)
- Resources (PDF)
- Five Year Recovery Journal (PDF)
Plus, watch a 23 minute YouTube video of Susan B.'s spending plan process online.
Check out the "Daily Reader for Compulsive Debtors and Spenders" for additional support on your recovery journey

Recovering compulsive debtor and spender
Susan B.
Susan B. is a grateful recovering compulsive debtor and spender, sharing her experience, strength, and hope. She is also the author of the "Getting Out from Going Under Daily Reader for Compulsive Debtors and Spenders."
Course curriculum
Download ALL Fearless Budgeting Files (including MP3 Audio Download)
Download Files
My Daily Spending Plan Process (23 minutes)